The listing provides these details, “nice desk and chair” and they sure are.
I’d take the chair and set it aside for another project.
This desk is what I’m drooling over.
Especially because it has this gorgeous detail along the back and sides making it perfect for a bar table. I’d cover the top of the bar with a kitschy tropical print, but I haven’t found the right one yet. Until I do, I’d paint it a cheery shade of yellow like this one from Benjamin Moore called Sun Valley in a gloss finish.
Unfortunately, I’d have to sand the crackle paint off these flirty curved legs.
And then I’d replace the drawer pull with something more fun like this
It needs to be painted it a glossy black first though.
And recover the cushions in something fun like this Tommy Bahama Hibiscus Glow Tropic print fabric from Sailrite.It’s an outdoor fabric so you could take this party anywhere!Doesn’t it make you want to break out the blender and serve up some daiquiris? I’m ready to put these sweaters in storage and enjoy warmer weather.What projects are you looking forward to this year?xo Jennifer